We will be switching from our current SDS management service provider (MSDSOnline) to the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) product called CANManage.
On Wednesday, December 21st, you should automatically see the link on your desktop of your computer. (MSDSOnline will also be there until the end of December).
Download the user guide below:
The system is very easy to view and download our SDS’s and print workplace labels. When you log in, it will provide you access to our database of products. Under resources section, there is also access to approximately 91,000 additional products (these are not managed for currency or accuracy, but it is a good resource if we need a document for a product that is not in our inventory currently). This is all contained in the guide.
You can also find a short two-page document that can be used for toolboxes for a quick overview of what CANManage is and how to use it, called "What is CANManage" in the Tool Box Talks Library.
If you need to access our collection on your phone or another computer, see below for login information:
Go to: http://ccohs.ca (or use your intranet link: http://ccinfoweb2.ccohs.ca/msds/management/login.lasso)
Select LOGIN from the menu and click CANManage
If prompted, enter your Username and Password: ShawGroupLtd / Shawgroupltd!
Links will be updated on our KIOSKS as well for CANManage.
We will also be providing a link to CANManage on company phones over the next couple of weeks.
If in the meantime, you want to create a login link on your iPhone immediately, click on the link provided above in this email on your phone or copy and paste it in your safari browser.
Then, click on the square with the up arrow on it and then scroll down to "Add to Home Screen +". This will create an icon on your phone and then enter the username and password above. If you have android, google the process to add link on homepage.
Please share this information with any members of your team not on this email or through toolbox.
If you have any questions, please contact Bill Reid, or your member of our safety team.