Keddy Aggregates has a good relationship with the local Volunteer Fire Department based in Kentville, NS (KVFD). Over the past seven years, they have done 4 mock accidents on-site, all organized and orchestrated by Mary Weir (Administrative Supervisor and Safety Administrator for the Keddy Site) and Philip Atwell (Senior Site Supervisor for Aggregates). Mary reached out to the KVFD and asked if they were interested in coming on-site to do a mock accident/rescue. They were very interested and had someone come out to work with Mary and Philip to develop a scenario that would benefit both parties.
The KVFD wanted to use new equipment (airbags for heavy lifting) they just acquired and do something in a tight space needing the bucket ladder. After discussion, they came up with a plan and set it in motion. The scenario was a person trapped under a loader bucket in a product hopper, and the loader was inoperable. The KVFD would have to lift the loader's bucket with the airbags and use the ladder to help get the person out. This was treated as an accident by the Keddy Team. Sending Team Members out to the gate to guide emergency vehicles to the accident area, two Team Members using the AED and CPR until the KVFD arrived on site to take over. This was a great team effort with participation from other operations outside of Keddy Aggregate (Resources, Transport, and NSSG Aggregates).
Drills with the VFDs allow them to practice in real-world situations, be aware of our site in case of emergency (aggregate pits are an ever-changing landscape), learn about our equipment and how long it takes emergency vehicles to arrive on site. It adds an authentic feeling to the drills, and the team always comes up with solutions to problems we were aware of before the exercise. With the drill being a success (even with the dark and damp weather), the KVFD would like to join us again with another mock accident next year.