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Kathleen Oleksiuk Promoted

We are pleased to announce that Kathleen Oleksiuk, Quality and Process Engineer with Shaw Precast Solutions will take on the role of Technical and Special Projects Manager effective immediately. As the Technical and Special Projects Manager, Katie will lead business improvement initiatives for Shaw Precast by leveraging her technical and engineering expertise and by bringing more formal project management structure to divisional initiatives.

Katie joined The Shaw Group in 2017 and has led the systematic improvement of many of our systems including our Titan ERP roll out and our quality program through both CSA and ISO standards. These systems, and data they capture, are fundamental to how Precast operates today.

Please join us in congratulating Katie on her new opportunity. We trust you will provide your usual support as she transitions to her new role.

Thank you,

Ryan Brookman

General Manager, Shaw Precast Solutions


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