Hi Everyone,
In our ongoing Cyber Security efforts, we have been reviewing all our existing security policies and procedures here in IT. One area where we have found room for improvement is around passwords. While this policy is currently setup and active, there is room to expand what we currently have and increase the overall security of our organization.
As such, effective immediately we will be implementing the following expanded password policy for all network login accounts across The Shaw Group:
Minimum password length will be 8 characters
We will be enforcing complex passwords (passwords will need to be a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters(!,@,#,$, etc.))
Passwords will need to be reset at least every 90 days
You will not be able to reuse the last 5 passwords you have used
If a wrong password is entered 5 times that account will be locked out for 5 min
This policy will roll out to all our computers over the next few days as folks connect and, in some cases, could prompt users to reset their password even if it’s been recently changed.
If anyone has any questions on this, or any other IT related issue please feel free to reach out to me directly to discuss.